[email protected]
434-528-6499 ext 20116
Classes Taught:
Art: 6th, 7th, 8th (Graphic Design)
Visual and Graphic Art
Mrs. Childress
[email protected]
This class is a nine week course for seventh/ sixth graders and a semester class for eighth graders. Students have the opportunity to learn about the elements and principles of design, the design process, spatial relationship, typography and imagery. Students will investigate a variety of ideas for creating art. Emphasis for all three grades will include: color relationships, line variation, texture, value, and proportion.
- Elements of Art
- color, form, line, shape, space, texture, value
- Principles of Design
- balance, contrast, emphasis, movement, pattern, proportion, rhythm, unity, variety
- the Art-Making (Design) Process
- brainstorming, preliminary sketching, planning, reflecting, refining, and elaborating
Students need:
-sketch pad: required
-pencil for daily use
Set of graphite drawing pencils.
Set of colored pencils.
Hand-held pencil sharpener that contains the shavings.
White vinyl eraser.
A selection of 3-5 small, bristle brushes.
Be sure to visit your child's google drive to view their art portfolio!!!
Anticipation Set: teacher will review the day's expectations, which will be posted on screen
- students log in to google accounts
- students should maintain their online art portfolios and inspiration pictures
- students will sign completed works of art, take a picture/scan work, and submit a copy electronically to the teacher for evaluation
- completed work will be placed in their portfolios
- students will log out of their google accounts at the end of the class period
- students will clean up station and return all materials to their proper place
- students will place projects on tables and put away sketchbooks and portfolios
- students are dismissed when stations are ready
- if time allows, the students may complete one of the enrichment activities or visit one of the suggested websites:
- free sketching
- work on Career Investigation: jobs related to art
- work on Internet Exploration: art movements, famous artists
- student will work on slideshow presentation for the class
- use the iPad and select digital art folder and complete activities
- using one of the apps on the iPad and complete activities: be ready to discuss the activities with the teacher
- student will complete a Photo story or iMovie based on the art activities
VA Visual Arts SOLs
Grade Six Visual Arts
The standards for Grade Six Visual Arts emphasize exploration of studio processes. Using the elements of art (color, form, line, shape, space, texture, value) and the principles of design (balance, contrast, emphasis, movement, pattern, proportion, rhythm, unity, variety) as a framework, students investigate a variety of ideas for creating art. Through critical analysis and evaluation, students determine how artists convey meaning through the use of forms, media, and symbols.
Visual Communication and Production
6.1 The student will use, and record in a sketchbook/journal, steps of the art-making process, including brainstorming, preliminary sketching, planning, reflecting, refining, and elaborating, to create works of art.
6.2 The student will exercise increasing skill and control in the use of media and techniques.
6.3 The student will communicate personal ideas, experiences, and narratives through the creation of works of art, using a variety of media.
6.4 The student will examine and apply ethical decisions in art making.
6.5 The student will use elements of art and principles of design, including the following, to express meaning in works of art:
1. Color-relationships
2. Line-variation, implied
3. Texture-visual, tactile
4. Value-gradation
5. Proportion-realistic, distorted
6.6 The student will use a variety of perspective techniques to create the illusion of space in works of art.
6.7 The student will apply a variety of techniques (e.g., gesture, continuous line) in observational drawings.
6.8 The student will use modeling, assembling, or carving to create three-dimensional works of art.
Art History and Cultural Context
6.9 The student will identify the components of an artist's style, including materials, design, technique, subject matter, and purpose.
6.10 The student will examine the role of crafts in society.
6.11 The student will describe ways artists contribute to society through their work.
6.12 The student will explain various types of collaborative art careers.
Analysis, Evaluation, and Critique
6.13 The student will explain the relationship between art-making processes and finished products.
6.14 The student will use critical inquiry skills when describing, responding to, interpreting, and evaluating works of art.
6.15 The student will describe ideas and emotions expressed in works of art.
6.16 The student will identify how visual language communicates personal meaning.
6.17 The student will respond to questions about why artists create works of art.
6.18 The student will describe the manner in which the beliefs and values of a viewer may influence ideas and feelings about works of art.
6.19 The student will explain the means by which works of art evoke personal sensory, emotional, and aesthetic responses.
Grade Seven Visual Arts
The standards for Grade Seven Visual Arts continue the exploration, analysis, and investigation of the creative process. Students apply the elements of art (color, form, line, shape, space, texture, value) and the principles of design (balance, contrast, emphasis, movement, pattern, proportion, rhythm, unity, variety) to solve design problems, using traditional and contemporary art media. They develop critical inquiry skills and expand their vocabulary as they explore the meaning of works of art through the evaluation of subject matter, themes, and symbols. Students develop an increased awareness of the nature of art and of their relationship to it as they explore the meaning and value of works of art.
Visual Communication and Production
7.1 The student will use, and record in a sketchbook/journal, steps of the art-making process, including research, to create works of art.
7.2 The student will refine media techniques to demonstrate craftsmanship.
7.3 The student will use ideas, concepts, and prior knowledge to solve art-making problems and create works of art.
7.4 The student will communicate ideas, experiences, and narratives through the creation of works of art, using traditional and contemporary media.
7.5 The student will explain and apply ethical decisions in art making.
7.6 The student will apply elements of art and principles of design, including the following, to express meaning in works of art:
1. Color-harmonious chromatic relationships
2. Line-contrast, gradation
3. Space-positive, negative
4. Emphasis-focal point, dominance
5. Proportion-actual, exaggerated
7.7 The student will use a variety of compositional techniques, including perspective, to create the illusion of space within the picture plane.
7.8 The student will apply a variety of techniques in observational and expressive drawing.
7.9 The student will create three-dimensional works of art, using various processes to include clay hand-building techniques.
Art History and Cultural Context
7.10 The student will identify styles and themes in contemporary and historical works of art.
7.11 The student will analyze how art and culture influence each other.
7.12 The student will identify the uses and impact of persuasive techniques (e.g., selection of images, design, type, media) in print and contemporary media.
7.13 The student will compare and contrast various visual arts careers in relation to career preparation.
Analysis, Evaluation, and Critique
7.14 The student will identify subjects, themes, and symbols as they relate to meaning in works of art.
7.15 The student will apply processes of art criticism to evaluate works of art.
7.16 The student will compare and contrast the processes artists use to create works of art.
7.17 The student will analyze, interpret, and evaluate works of art, based on personal and contextual information.
7.18 The student will analyze and reflect on the purposes and meaning of art.
7.19 The student will describe personal responses to visual qualities of works of art.
7.20 The student will interpret ways that social and cultural beliefs can influence responses to works of art.
Grade Eight Visual Arts
The standards for Grade Eight Visual Arts focus on the application and synthesis of previously learned concepts and more complex technical skills as students manipulate the elements of art (color, form, line, shape, space, texture, value) and the principles of design (balance, contrast, emphasis, movement, pattern, proportion, rhythm, unity, variety) in the art-making process. Students make conscious choices of media, processes, and techniques for expressive purposes in the creation of original works of art. They debate the purposes of art, formulate reasoned responses to meaningful art questions, develop their own criteria for making art judgments, and develop a personal philosophy of art. Students make connections between their prior art experiences and other fields of knowledge.
Visual Communication and Production
8.1 The student will plan for and reflect on the art-making process, using a sketchbook/journal.
8.2 The student will develop and use a process art portfolio as an idea-building resource to create works of art.
8.3 The student will refine personal works of art to improve quality of craftsmanship.
8.4 The student will synthesize prior knowledge and experience to create works of art.
8.5 The student will convey points of view about contemporary issues in personal works of art.
8.6 The student will communicate ideas, experiences, and narratives through the creation of original works of art, using selected media.
8.7 The student will independently make ethical decisions in art making.
8.8 The student will select elements of art and principles of design, including the following, to express meaning in works of art:
1. Color-contrasting relationships
2. Value-shading
3. Proportion-scale, ratio relationships
4. Unity-harmony
5. Variety
8.9 The student will combine a variety of compositional techniques to create the illusion of space within the picture plane.
8.10 The student will use observational and expressive drawing techniques to demonstrate multiple
viewpoints (e.g., above, below, front, back).
8.11 The student will create three-dimensional works of art by combining a variety of techniques and processes.
Art History and Cultural Context
8.12 The student will describe how works of art are influenced by social, political, and economic factors.
8.13 The student will compare and contrast works of art according to medium, period, style, and artist.
8.14 The student will identify the roles of artists in society.
Analysis, Evaluation, and Critique
8.15 The student will analyze how visual organization in works of art affects the communication of ideas.
8.16 The student will analyze the uses and impact of persuasive techniques (e.g., selection of images, design, type, media) in print and contemporary media.
8.17 The student will communicate how personal experiences influence critical interpretations and evaluations of works of art.
8.18 The student will critique personal work and the work of others.
8.19 The student will formulate a working definition of art.
8.20 The student will analyze purposes, values, and meanings of works of art.
8.21 The student will describe and justify personal responses to visual qualities in works of art.
8.22 The student will formulate a definition of aesthetics as related to art.